Sand Hill Review Press
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NEW from Sand Hill Review PressWindow on Pike PlaceRachel McAlister saves Joshua Todaro's life on an Afghanistan battlefield. Back home in Seattle, he asks her to marry him. But someone murders Joshua in his Pike Place apartment and frames Rachel. On trial, she holds on to the only two things in the world that she can trust: her love for Joshua, and the battlefield bullet he gave her. She has to hope she can figure out who set her up before it's too late.AVAILABLE NOW ON AMAZON.COM
PAPERBACK AND KINDLEMarty Sorensen has been the publisher of literary anthologies for over 15 years and he has started many a writer on their way to success. Always in the wings and never in the spotlight, Sorensen has finally allowed therelease of one of his best stories,Window on Pike Place.
Sand Hill Review Press70 W Santa Inez AveSan Mateo, CA 94402P.O. Box 1275, San Mateo, CA 94401415-297-3571
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When did you first know you were destined to be a writer? LOL, I never realized I was destined to be a writer -- I fell into it. I'd written poetry for years, collecting it in notebooks stacked in my attic when I wrote one I wanted to keep. This led me to several online sites and ultimately to discovering the Muse Online Writers Conference where I hooked up with Linda Barnett Johnson and joined her writers forums. She required everyone to write both fiction and poetry, so, with much trepidation, I started writing fiction. Then I got hooked on it, wrote a chapter book, took the ICL course and actually learned how to write it. Then in 2010, I was seized by a desire to write a sci fi novel, so I spent six weeks or so on world building, mostly, with a bit of plotting thrown in for good measure. Who would you cite as your influences? I'm a way-back sci-fi fan, and Robert A. Heinlein influenced me heavily. I took a lot away from his writing, notably the value of surpris...
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