New Book on the Amazing Powers of Essential Oils
the author of the hugely successful Healing Powers series (Honey,
Vinegar, Olive Oil, Chocolate, Coffee, Tea, Superfoods) comes THEHEALING POWERS OF ESSENTIAL OILS: A Complete Guide to
Nature’s Magical Medicine. (Released December 2019).
your nose to nature's pharmacy: the garden, where
essence of flowers, fruit, and trees provide some of our most
pleasurable--sources of health and healing...
oils--including peppermint, eucalyptus, rose, and tea tree--are
nature's ancient medicine, abundant with therapeutic effects. The
latest scientific research shows that many popular essential oils and
aromatherapy can boost your health and well-being, adding years to
your life! This fascinating guide gives you the down-to-earth scoop
on the top twenty oils. Learn how nature's bouquet can help you:
lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and depression.
over 50 recipes for delicious dishes from salads, soups, and entrees
to desserts, including Lemon Oil Raspberry Muffins and Roast Chicken
with Orange and Rosemary. Sprinkled with feel-good stories and
memorable legends, The Healing Powers of Essential Oils shows
you how the comfort and calm of scent can help you get healthy and
stay health, while taking you on an exciting and life-changing
aromatic adventure! Includes Color Photos
in her previous bestselling books, Cal Orey combines
groundbreaking research into all these health and weight loss
benefits with home cures, cosmetic uses, household hints, and dozens
of heart-healthy Mediterranean style recipes.
Book on The Favorite Healing Powers of Superfoods
you know the keys to a long life and vibrant good health can be
found on the shelves of your local supermarket?
Apples, leafy greens, shellfish, yogurt—even ice cream and pasta. The latest scientific studies reveal that many of the classic foods you’ve always loved are superfoods that can supercharge your health! Not only are they delicious, they’re affordable—plus these essential farm-to-table favorites can work with any diet plan, from the balanced Mediterranean Diet to the hunter-gatherer Paleo plan.
With over 50 recipes for both cooked and raw dishes, including smoothies and soups, a detox juice fast and a jump-start pounds-off diet, this down-to-earth guide will show you how to get healthy and stay healthy with body-friendly superfoods.
*Boost your immune system with citrus and nutrient-dense berries, including fresh, frozen, and dried.
*Enjoy the healthy fats in eggs and nuts, including nut butters, to fight inflammation, slow the aging process, and lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
*Trade white sugar for antioxidant-rich sweeteners like maple syrup, the newest superfood!
*Create home remedies designed to ease anxiety, improve sleep, boost brainpower and enhance energy.
*Keep your home spotless for kids and pets using eco-friendly superfood-rich formulas.
*Pamper your mind and body with the same food-based treatments that health spas use, including ingredients like seeds and seaweed.
Now you can indulge in a Pesto Pizza or Berry Basil Smoothie, a Chicken Bone Broth or dark chocolate gelato, while chilling with an ancient-oats facial or relaxing in a warm, herb-scented bath. Infused with heartwarming stories and inspiring legends, The Healing Powers of Superfoods will take you to a world of wellness that starts at home with our favorite foods from Mother Nature—enjoyed in a new way with an exciting twist!
Apples, leafy greens, shellfish, yogurt—even ice cream and pasta. The latest scientific studies reveal that many of the classic foods you’ve always loved are superfoods that can supercharge your health! Not only are they delicious, they’re affordable—plus these essential farm-to-table favorites can work with any diet plan, from the balanced Mediterranean Diet to the hunter-gatherer Paleo plan.
With over 50 recipes for both cooked and raw dishes, including smoothies and soups, a detox juice fast and a jump-start pounds-off diet, this down-to-earth guide will show you how to get healthy and stay healthy with body-friendly superfoods.
*Boost your immune system with citrus and nutrient-dense berries, including fresh, frozen, and dried.
*Enjoy the healthy fats in eggs and nuts, including nut butters, to fight inflammation, slow the aging process, and lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
*Trade white sugar for antioxidant-rich sweeteners like maple syrup, the newest superfood!
*Create home remedies designed to ease anxiety, improve sleep, boost brainpower and enhance energy.
*Keep your home spotless for kids and pets using eco-friendly superfood-rich formulas.
*Pamper your mind and body with the same food-based treatments that health spas use, including ingredients like seeds and seaweed.
Now you can indulge in a Pesto Pizza or Berry Basil Smoothie, a Chicken Bone Broth or dark chocolate gelato, while chilling with an ancient-oats facial or relaxing in a warm, herb-scented bath. Infused with heartwarming stories and inspiring legends, The Healing Powers of Superfoods will take you to a world of wellness that starts at home with our favorite foods from Mother Nature—enjoyed in a new way with an exciting twist!
Complete Guide to Nature’s Most Magical Medicine
Books, December 2019, Trade Paperback Non-fiction
978-0-8065-3917-8/$16.95 ($22.95 – Canada)
* *
- Series: Healing Powers (Book 7)
- Paperback: 352 pages
- Publisher: Kensington Books, Citadel Press; 1 edition (December 18, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0806538988 ISBN-13: 978-0806538983/$16.95 ($22.95 - Canada)
Orey, M.A., is an accomplished author and journalist. She has a
master’s degree in English from San Francisco State University, and
for three decades has written hundreds of articles for national and
international magazines. Her books include The
Healing Powers of Vinegar, The Healing Powers of Olive Oil, The
Healing Powers of Coffee, The Healing Powers of Honey, The Healing
Powers of Chocolate, The Healing Powers of Tea, 202 Pets’ Peeves,
and Doctors’ Orders. She
lives in northern California. Readers are invited to visit her
website at www.calorey.com, read her blog The
Writing Gourmet at
calorey.blogspot.com, find her on Facebook, and follow her on
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