"Mary Lincoln's Flannel Pajamas"
and other stories from the First Ladies' Closet
Super giftie for Grandparents' day!
Available in trade paperback, hard cover and e-book.
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More news and reviews for "Mary's PJs"…
Super-duper hourlong podcast on If you haven't tuned in, check it out! Delightful (honest!!) PODCAST. Downloadable via the internet, I–tunes or whatever else…
Another podcast – this one called "History Personified: A Mile in Their Shoes", moderated by Phil Lanides, Check it out and pass it along! It was loads of fun!
"There's as much, if not more, fascination with First Ladies than with their presidential spouses, and Feather Schwartz Foster has done a great job of telling their stories in "Mary Lincoln's Flannel Pajamas." Feather has found some lesser-told stories, and tells them in a highly readable and entertaining way. This is a very enjoyable book and it makes me eager for her next book as well. Congratulations to Feather! "
-Paul Brandus, White House correspondent for West Wing Reports and author of "Under This Roof: The Presidency and the White House."
*************Upcoming events for Feather Schwartz Foster
Saturday, August 13 - 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. William & Mary Bookstore, Merchants Sq., Williamsburg, VA
Friday, August 19 - 10 - 2 p.m. William & Mary Bookstore, Merchants Sq., Williamsburg, VA
Contact Feather Schwartz Foster to arrange a speaking speaking engagement or a phone-in session with your book club!
And don't forget to check out my new and improved website: Same old address, brand new content!
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