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April is Child Abuse Prevention

April is Child Abuse Prevention

April Is Child Abuse
Prevention Month

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April Is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Join Me in the Awareness to END Child Abuse!
Please help us in the fight to END Child Abuse. On April 22, 2016 wear a tie (An ugly one, if you have one) to show awareness. I'd like you to take a photo around or on April 22, 2016 wearing a tie and holding a sign to stop child abuse, and post it on social media for a chance to win one of Sabre's Jerry Garcia ties, Autographed by Teresa Burrell. Please  invite family, friends, and your coworkers to help raise awareness for child abuse by wearing a tie. Wear the tie with whatever you normally wear such as a dress, T shirt, jeans, or whatever. It will get other people's attention and bring that much more awareness.

All you have to do is take a photo of yourself wearing a tie and holding the sign above in this letter, or one similar, and post it on my Facebook page. You can download the sign from here, or copy and paste it. If you're having trouble there's another sign for download on
You will also be entered in the drawing if you Tweet your photo  on Twitter with both the hashtags #ChildAbusePrevention and #TeresaBurrell in your tweet.
You can also send your photo to and they may post it on their site.

Please join us to fight this fight.

Teresa Burrell

Where I'll be this spring:


April 22-24, 2016
The South Bay Home & Garden Show
Long Beach Convention Center
 300 E. Ocean Blvd.
 Long Beach, CA 90802
May 20-22, 2016
The OC Spring Home & Garden Show
 Anaheim Convention Center
 800 W. Katella Avenue
 Anaheim, CA 92803
June 3-5, 2016
The Riverside Home & Garden Show
 Riverside Convention Center
 3637 Fifth Street
 Riverside, CA 92509
Copyright © 2016 Teresa Burrell, Author, All rights reserved.
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Teresa Burrell, Author
5663 Balboa Ave. #401
San Diego, CA 92111

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