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Discovering Authentically Abundant Joyfulness Every Day! 

Discovering Authentically Abundant Joyfulness, Every Day!
A Stewardship-Orientated, Self-Mastery and Virtuous
Personal-Improvement, in-depth LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK for
Entrepreneurial - Evangelical - Evangelism Discipleship.

GENUINE LEADERSHIP consists of wisdom-based mental maturity combined with clarity-focused self-mastery; its comprehensive nature enables the full expression of our confident inner personhood, which releases our spirit, to freely pursue Authentically Abundant Joyfulness!

AUTHENTIC LIFE™ LEADERSHIP: This Handbook provides the intellectual guidance needed by each participant to transform their rudimentary communication skills into the professional toolset that supports a profoundly insightful, fundamental understanding of Life.

EMOTIONAL MASTERY™ (EM) participants learn how to examine their life-experiences utilizing ground-breaking EM-Tools and methodology to systematically root-out toxic experiences from their past for restoration.

EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALISM™ is the daily-stewardship orientated, self-motivating, virtuous lifestyle that advocates for the freedom of personal liberty, as derived from responsible critical-thinking discernment. It provides the rock-solid vantage point from which participants can develop effective skills-mastery and pin-point control over their internal mental-monologue in any given situation. When dovetailed together, these critical self-mastery, derived from diverse avenues of life and fields of endeavors effectively, create the common foundation upon which we can each build dependable, highly rewarding, and joyous individual lives.

This EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALISM™ Mastery Course guides the self-education learning process in how to identify the pessimistic-pivot-points in our life that have suppressed our natural, optimistic exuberance, which in-turn clouds the clarity of our conscious and subconscious mind. This in-depth primer guides our education in how to explore and resolve issues, all within the context of what we can sincerely expect to do about them.

The EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALISM™ lifestyle serves as the daily focal point and consistent mentoring platform from which to unify participants in the shared journey to Personal Mastery. Embodying diverse critical thinking, logical-reasoning, and highly effective discernment expertise, it provides both the perspective and daily (how and why) insight.

PO Box 1223
Conifer Colorado 80433-1223

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