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Author Teresa Burrell's Schedule

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Hello Everyone, 

Quick note to catch you up on the news. I'll be in northern California this upcoming weekend, April 28 & 29 at the Bay Area Book Festival. I'll be at the Outdoor Book Fair on Allston Way, Booth #142. If you are in the area please stop by, or if you know any mystery readers there, please let them know. 

I apologize for sending this to everyone, but I don't have a breakdown on where my readers are located. I don't ask for much personal information on the signup forms because people (me included) are uncomfortable when they don't know who's getting the information. I DO NOT SHARE YOUR INFORMATION WITH ANYONE. That said, if you don't mind hitting reply to this email and telling me what city and state (and Country if outside the US) you are in, I will start to break my email lists down by area. If you're not comfortable with that, it's all good. 

I'm diligently working on The Advocate's J____ (Title still not determined).

Take care, and I'll let you know when I have more news on the next novel. 


My Schedule




April 28-29,2018

Bay Area Book Festival

Free Outdoor Book Fair

Allston Way

Berkeley, California

Booth #142








May 11-13, 2018

South Bay Home & Garden Show

Long Beach Convention Center

300 E. Ocean Blvd.

Long Beach, CA 90802









June 1st, 2nd, & 3rd, 2018

The OC Home & Garden Show

Anaheim Convention Center

800 W. Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA 92803






June 29th, 30th, July 1st, 2018

The Ontario Home & Backyard Show

Ontario Convention Center

2000 E. Convention Ctr. Way, Ontario, CA 91764









Teresa Burrell

5663 Balboa Ave. #401

San Diego, CA 92111

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