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Showing posts from April, 2018

Wow! The rave reviews say it all! This is the real deal.

Read more. Ho l l o w G o d s i s in c r e di b l e ! A g ri p p i ng , v iv i d po r t r ay a l o f th e h u m a n s p i ri t . Th r o u g h b e au t i f u l la n g u ag e , th e c ha r a c te r s st e p p e d o f f t h e p a g e ; e a c h p er s o n ' s u n c o ns c i o u s p a i n w o v e n i n w it h m a st e r f u l c r a ft s m a ns h i p . S n i e ch o w s ki ' s w ri t i n g i s br i l l ia n t a n d e ng a g i ng , a t t i m e s p o e ti c a n d a l wa y s m ov i n g , br i g h tl y i ll u s t ra t i n g t h e b it t e r sw e e t r ea l i t y o f l i f e . S t un n i n g ev e r y s t e p o f t h e w a y .   —K e v i n E y r es , N or t h e r n C A      In  Worship of Hollow Gods,  James Sniechowski bears witness to the world of a sensitive, nine-year-old boy, subjected to  the un...

Author Teresa Burrell's Schedule

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Monday, April 23rd - National Day of Prayer for Children

Montana Child Protection Alliance One of MCPA's board member's Denise Johnson had this idea and we are trying to get it going all over the U.S.  Please share with everyone you know.  If you are a prayer - please fast and pray for Children on Monday, April 23rd. Justice was miscarried when Christ took on our sins, was beaten, tortured, slaughtered. The plan was that He gave himself as an offering for sin. He knows first hand what injustice looks like. He took up the cause of all and paid with his life. What if all in this group and all other groups that are advocating for children set aside a specific day to fast and pray, asking the Lord to intervene on behalf of our children? April is Child Abuse Awareness month...and our children  are being abused by the very system that was supposed to protect them. Let's make Monday, April 23rd our day to fast & pray. Blast it on our pages. Ask everyone in our country to pray for our children. This battle is the...

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month


The Review-Getting Nudge By Carolyn Howard-Johnson

Excerpted from the newest book in Carolyn Howard-Johnson's multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers,   How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically: The ins and outs of using free reviews to build and sustain a writing career . You need only a few essentials in your Amazon tool box to build the traffic crucial for your reviews to be seen—and to convince readers to buy your book. , How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically: The ins and outs of using free reviews to build and sustain a writing career helps you get the reviews that influence Amazon's sales ranking and this section gives you everything else you need to maximize them. Amazon sales rankings are dandy little aids for evaluating how your book is selling. Not that you should fixate on that, but having an indicator that your book might need a little sales boost is nice. And—when those ratings are nurtured—they prod Amazon's algorithms to lead pe...

What To Write About?

Writers On The Move Sometimes it’s a challenge to figure out what to write about. This is often called writer's block. Even though there are a plethora of subjects that call out to you, what do you actually know about? I personally think you can write about anything, whether you know the topic or not. Thank goodness for Google... Click the title above for the rest of the information.  Thank You, Linda