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He's been injected with a deadly toxin - help him

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I truly enjoyed "The Romanovsky Stain." It is fast-paced and features well-developed characters. As a Vietnam War veteran, I was intrigued by the use of military combat flashbacks to define some of the characters. Hopefully, Duke Zimmer will write a sequel describing Jacob Steiner's next foray into the covert world.  -Phil Riggin

Jacob Steiner left the intelligence world to join the NYPD where he worked until he was recently terminated for over zealous police work -- he beat the crap out of a child molester and broke the molester's skull in the process.  Contemplating a quiet life in Los Angeles, Jacob soon discovers that a lifelong nemesis and former KGB agent, Sergei Romanovsky, has other plans for him. 

Unbeknownst to Jacob, his former partner on the NYPD stole a flash drive from the molester containing information that could lead to an American Coup and a Third World War.   Romanovsky has been ordered by the Russian government to recover the drive no matter what the cost.  In order to persuade Jacob to assist him, Romanovsky kidnaps Jacob and injects him with a deadly neurotoxin.  Jacob's mission, find his partner and receive the antidote or die trying.

Recipient of two 5-star reviews in Readers' Favorites:

Reviewed by Faridah Nassozi for Readers' Favorite
Once a spy always a spy; one does not just quit the spy business and even if you try to get out, trouble will always come looking for you. That is what Jacob Steiner was about to discover. After leaving the intelligence world, Jacob had joined the NYPD where he had worked until he was kicked out just recently. Just in case he was wondering what to do with his life after the NYPD, he would wonder no more because a lifelong nemesis of his, former KGB agent Sergei Romanovsky, had plans for him. Jacob's NYPD partner had stolen from the Russians and Romanovsky intended to get back what he had taken, at whatever cost. 

So, what better way to compel Jacob to do the Russians' bidding than by injecting him with a deadly neurotoxin and holding onto the antidoteSo just like that, Jacob finds himself chasing a partner who doesn't want to be found, a neurotoxin running through his blood with only a few days before its fatal effects take their course,and a flock of angry Russians hot on his trail. Racing against time, Jacob starts to put clues together in an attempt to get to the bottom of what was really going on. Initially all signs point to human trafficking, but he is convinced there is more going on because, in his world, there are always layers of conspiracy under layers. Nevertheless, even his wildest imaginings could not have prepared him for what was really at stake here. 

The Romanovsky Stain by Duke Zimmer is the true art of spy thrillers, as they should be told. Duke Zimmer combined a unique and captivating plot and a memorable setting with flawless writing skill to bring to life a fascinating thriller. The descriptive writing style is so engaging and endless adrenaline pumping scenes come to life right off the pages. What is even more engaging is the build up to these scenes with such an incredible story development. I especially liked that the star of the story comes off as genuinely human right from the start. Right away, Duke Zimmer showed that Jacob, with all his years of experience and unmistakable skills, is human with flaws and weaknesses. These vulnerabilities made him human and made it easier to connect with his story. I was also awed by how the story portrayed the lasting bond that connects war veterans together. If you are looking for a good spy thriller, this is it.

Russell Vann
PO Box 1223
Conifer Colorado 80433-1223

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