A very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all of you.
Some nice news about Feather Schwartz Foster and hew newest book MARY LINCOLN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS…
Feather (and "Mary & her PJs") have been accepted to participate in the 23rd annual Virginia Festival of the Book March 22-26, 2017. Details are sketchy right now, but will follow up next month!
This is a great and prestigious honor – nearly a thousand applications have been submitted, and only a hundred or so are chosen. I blush. Stay tuned!
Here are some upcoming speaking/signing events for Feather Schwartz Foster, author of THE FIRST LADIES, and her newest book, MARY LINCOLN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS…
Saturday, January 10 AM - 2 PM – William & Mary Bookstore, Merchants Sq., Williamsburg, VA
Saturday, January 21 10 AM –2 PM William & Mary Bookstore, Merchants Sq., Williamsburg, VA
Check out my recent guest blog on http://lindabarnett-johnson.blogspot.com/2016/12/thoughts-on-books-signings-yes-no-hmmm.html
"Mary Lincoln's Flannel Pajamas"
and other stories from the First Ladies' Closet
Nifty gift for all occasions! Nifty selection for your book club!
Available in trade paperback, hard cover and e-book.
Order now at amazon - http://goo.gl/KHhZ88
Super-duper podcasts on
Delightful (honest!!) PODCASTS. Downloadable via the internet, I–tunes or whatever else…
Contact Feather Schwartz Foster to arrange a speaking speaking engagement or a phone-in session with your book club!
Check out my wordpress blog for some nifty POTUS/FLOTUS and nifty history people stories!
http://wp.me/p3z3zl-X2 An FDR White House Xmas
http://wp.me/p3z3zl-Wp John Hay, TR and Lincoln's Hair
http://wp.me/p3z3zl-Xn Benjamin Harrison and the Washington Centennial. And Me.
http://wp.me/p3z3zl-Yi Mary Lincoln: The Last Sad Years
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