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Trinity by Curtis Mischler

The desert stretched in all directions, as far as the eye could see. Desolate, barren, beautiful. Nothing was stirring, except for a hawk circling lazily overhead in the waning sunlight.

In a blinding instant, that calm was shattered by the light of a thousand suns. In that moment the universe shifted, both in time and space. Subtly, but measurably, if one knew where and how to look.

The desert sand beneath the growing mushroom cloud was instantaneously fused into radioactive glass. The shock wave rolled outward, knocking the hawk from the sky and blowing dust and debris for miles.

So began the atomic age. And with it a threat to the very existence of the universe. The first atomic bomb created a tear in the fabric of space and time that attached itself to a young scientist's genetic code and would affect his future generations. Thus was set in motion a series of events that transcends time and space. Can this young scientist and his descendants work together to save the universe?


Everything was caught in a searing light. Blinding, all around him. He could sense the heavens reeling, birthing, dying all around him. He felt a oneness with everything. A brilliant point of light grew to giant proportions and engulfed everything. He was the light. He was everything. 

He sensed another presence with him. Someone older, kind. He could not see this person, but he knew he was there. He tried to shout out, but nothing would come. His heart beat faster and faster. There was something here; someone here with whom he was supposed to connect, but he couldn't. 

He let himself go with the tidal forces throwing him around on the cosmic breeze. He relaxed and extended his arms and legs in the brilliance around him. He felt the other presence do the same, and they came together. One, yet distinct. 

In that brief moment, he caught a glimpse of something; something very familiar. Something he had sensed that day in his grandpa's room when he said his last goodbye. He reached for it, and it was there. And he knew who it was. 

He began to understand. That everything and everyone is connected, yet we rarely see that in our own worlds as me move from moment to moment, day to day. There is the possibility of "bigger"; of recognizing and feeling and exploring the connections, throughout the universe and across time and space. If only he could 
learn to control it....  

But there was something else; something wrong. He could sense the universe unraveling around him. It was not right, he could feel that to his core. He didn't understand it all, but he knew that if this could not be stopped, could not be repaired, that the universe was in danger of falling apart. 

With a rush of light and cosmic wind, he was thrust violently back into the real world. On the train. Pulling into New York City. He had missed his stop in Princeton. He'd have to get off and get the next train headed south. 


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