Feather Schwartz Foster, author of
"THE FIRST LADIES"… & "LADIES: A Conjecture of Personalities" …. And one more still looking for a publisher!
Upcoming signings
Friday, July 3 - 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. – William & Mary Bookstore (B&N), Merchants Sq., Williamsburg, VA.
If you are in the area, stop in and say hello!
Check out my latest blog articles at www.featherfoster.wordpress.com
http://wp.me/p3z3zl-yE Mrs. Herbert Hoover's Bad Habit… The Surprise Supreme!
http://wp.me/p3z3zl-z3 Kate Sprague and Roscoe Conkling: Beauty and the Boss
http://wp.me/p3z3zl-zq Eleanor Roosevelt Looks in the Pot
http://wp.me/p3z3zl-zQ President Garfield's Train
All VERY nifty stories! You will enjoy them!
Fall classes for the Christopher Wren Society and Christopher Newport University!
Christopher Newport University: The "Typical" First Ladies
Thursdays: September 10 – October 8: 1-2:15 PM
Christopher Wren Society: Three MORE Nifty Presidential-ish Stories
Tuesdays: October 27, November 3, 10 – 9:30-11:30 AM
Feather Schwartz Foster
UPCOMING EVENT: Saturday, October 3
19th National War of 1812 Symposium
Saturday, October 3, 2015,
Old Moot Hall, University of Baltimore
Saturday, October 3, 2015,
Old Moot Hall, University of Baltimore
I have been invited to do a segment on DOLLEY MADISON & her role in the War of 1812!
Feather Schwartz Foster
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