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Showing posts from July, 2015

Feather Schwartz Foster, Author of The First Ladies

  Feather Schwartz Foster, author of "THE FIRST LADIES" …  & "LADIES:  A Conjecture of Personalities"  …. And one more  still  looking for a publisher!  ***** Upcoming signings Friday, July 3  -  10 a.m. - 2 p.m.   – William & Mary Bookstore (B&N), Merchants Sq., Williamsburg,  V A.  If you are in the area, stop in and say hello! Check out my latest blog articles at                                                             Mrs. Herbert Hoover's Bad Habit… The Surprise Supreme!       ...

The Little Book That Could by Betty Jo Tucker (guest blogger)

Thanks to Linda Barnett-Johnson for the opportunity to blog about IT HAD TO BE US , the award-winning romantic memoir my husband and I co-wrote under the pen names of Harry and Elizabeth Lawrence. Romantic miracles do happen in real life!  After being divorced and estranged from each other for nearly two decades, we accidentally met again and began a journey to rediscover our lost love. In IT HAD TO BE US, we use a “Harry Remembers/Elizabeth Remembers” format to share our feelings about the poignant -- and often humorous -- events that brought us back together. Much to our surprise, this memoir received rave reviews and is now in the early stage of film adaptation. It also won first place in the E-book category at the 2006 Hollywood Book Festival and a coveted Psyche Award nomination from The Romance Studio the following year.    Entertainment journalist and publisher Diana Saenger calls IT HAD TO BE US “the little book that could.” I think she’s referring...

Top 5 Reasons as To Why Businesses Need To Outsource Their Contact Centre Services (guest blogger)

Top 5 Reasons as To Why Businesses Need To Outsource Their Contact Centre Services When your customers call you to inform you about the issue they are facing or ask questions, the contact centre representatives they speak to is responsible for handling their concerns and improving the view of their company so do make that your calls are handled smoothly. These professionals also serve as the spokesperson for their businesses while interacting with their customers, and when this department has a problem in talking calls then it is time to hire an outsourcing company. Given here are five important reasons as to why the business owners need to turn towards contact centre outsourcing. Customer’s complaints increase: If a business receives complaints and does not stop them then the number of calls would continue to increase. Contact centre professionals are here not just to hear the complaints of their customers but also to defence against the negative comments that could have affe...


When did you first know you were destined to be a writer? LOL, I never realized I was destined to be a writer -- I fell into it. I'd written poetry for years, collecting it in notebooks stacked in my attic when I wrote one I wanted to keep. This led me to several online sites and ultimately to discovering the Muse Online Writers Conference where I hooked up with Linda Barnett Johnson and joined her writers forums. She required everyone to write both fiction and poetry, so, with much trepidation, I started writing fiction. Then I got hooked on it, wrote a chapter book, took the ICL course and actually learned how to write it. Then in 2010, I was seized by a desire to write a sci fi novel, so I spent six weeks or so on world building, mostly, with a bit of plotting thrown in for good measure. Who would you cite as your influences? I'm a way-back sci-fi fan, and Robert A. Heinlein influenced me heavily. I took a lot away from his writing, notably the value of surpris...