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Dr. Gary Epler, Guest Post

Maximal Productivity

Did you know that only 30% of employees are fully engaged in their work? Did you know that 10% of employees actually try to harm the company? These are grim numbers for both employers and employees. Energize people and turn the disengaged into a productive force. How?
First, begin with a Level-10 Energy day. What’s a Level-10 Energy day? “It's like being on top of the world with no worries. It's doing anything you want without stress. It's the feeling of unlimited creativity and enjoying every minute of the day. It's the best feeling in the world. It's a way of life!” Follow the steps to success including the right amount of sleep, find the exact exercise, eat special foods for energy, and more.
Second, turn work into an energybuilder. Some people are able to do this naturally. For most, it’s a learned response. The good news is that almost everyone, no matter the job they do, can learn to create energy while working. Concentrate on positive events. Shrug off negative comments and events, let them pass through without using energy to judge them or fight them. Gain energy through positive interactions with people and focus on successes, no matter how small. Learn about your special traits and talents. These are defined as recurrent behaviors and activities that you enjoy doing every day and keep returning to them over the years. There are about 30 of them and everyone has three to five that are uniquely theirs. They are your passion. Know them and do work that’s aligned with your traits and talents. This is what will happen –you will enjoy your work, you will be good at your work, and you will be energized. For quick energy, look for the good things at work, compliment someone, and give a gesture of help.
Third, create a positive work environment: The energized environment occurs when people know what is expected of them. Everyone needs the tools and resources to do the job right. You need to be setup for success and believe your opinions matter. Everyone needs opportunities to learn and grow.
Fourth, eliminate an environment of chronic stress. Chronic stress can cause cortisol-based life-threatening health problems and drain energy. Stress is a fear-based reaction. A plane ride with up and down loops is exhilarating for some people, producing positive neurotransmitters and hormones, but terrifying for others, producing stress hormones and chemicals.  What are some ideas for coping with stress? The happiness factor is important, learn to focus on what’s intrinsically important and discarding or ignoring everything else. Exercise is an excellent stress reliever. Compassion, kindness, and forgiveness are stress relievers. Eliminate stress by realizing that it’s an interpretation of a threat, based on fear. “Eliminate fear at the workplace, eliminate stress.”
Fifth, create energy from social interaction at the workplace. You need to feel free to flourish in creativity. Take advantage of people who are battery chargers. They can instantly charge a person’s energy level from low to high. Being near them, talking to them, and interacting with them can be energizing. Better yet, be one yourself. The science behind the transfer of energy between people is related to the feel-good neurotransmitters like oxytocin, the bonding hormone. How can someone become an energy producer? Have a Level-10 Energy day.
These five steps will increase personal energy at the workplace resulting in personal enjoyment, improved efficiency, and higher productivity. 
Gary Epler
Best-selling author of “Fuel for Life: Level-10 Energy


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