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What could you accomplish if you were more courageous?

Do you often lack confidence to speak up?
Do you often settle for the status quo rather than try to change it?
Does your fear of looking foolish or messing up, keep you stuck?
Would you like a road map to navigate a bolder path forward?

We're hardwired to avoid risk yet only by stepping outside your comfort zone can you ever enjoy the success and satisfaction you most want.
Stop Playing Safe is a ‘must read’ book for anyone
who aspires to a more rewarding career & life.
Written by bestselling author, Forbes columnist, media personality, international speaker and renowned success coach, Margie Warrell provides a powerful guidebook to help you get ahead & enjoy deeper fulfillment in an increasingly uncertain and competitive world.
"Adapting to change an taking chances are critical to your success. Stop Playing Safe will help you with both. Get it, read it, enjoy the results."
Jon Gordon, Best-selling author of The Energy Bus and The Seed.
Combining the latest neuro-research with insights from trailblazing leaders and entrepreneurs Stop Playing Safe (Wiley Press) will show you how to:

Take the smart risks needed to create and seize new (and better) opportunities
Handle difficult situations, decisions and people more constructively and courageously
Overcome destructive thought patterns that keep you stuck
Expand your leadership influence, enabling you to produce better results for yourself and others
Bounce back from setbacks and handle pressures with greater resilience
Described as a ‘Guidebook for greater courage and success in your work and life,” Stop Playing Safe will help you make the changes you’ve been putting off and shift your career onto a new trajectory of success and fulfillment.
Not only that, but order today, and you’ll can register in Margie’s Stop Playing Safe Coaching Program --- valued at $195 at no cost. This 8 week program includes the Stop Playing Safe Workbook plus 8 weekly video messages from Margie to help you apply her strategies to the challenges and opportunities you’re facing in work, business and life.
IN ADDITION, you’ll receive 70+ great downloadable bonuses to help you in reaching your life goals. Read more.

“Practical, powerful, and inspiring. In uncertain times, Stop Playing Safe is a guide-book you can't afford not to read as it spells out exactly how to handle your challenges and find the confidence to speak up, adapt and get ahead in the new economy. Everyone in your company should read it!" Suzi Pomerantz, Bestselling author, Master coach, and CEO of Innovative Leadership International



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