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Great back to school book for the little girl in your life!


I just received this from my good friend, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, and I had to share it with you. She has written a charming little book that really packs a punch. Written as a 10-year old girl’s diary, it is a treasure for kids and adults alike as it reminds us of what it’s like to be ten. I know so many of you have a little girl in your life, and while this may not be my usual fare, I thought many of you would find it to be the perfect book for a little girl, her parents, family members and friends of a sweet, adolescent girl. Here’s what Barbara said:

Dear Linda,

I am preparing to launch my new book, The Truth (I’m a Girl, I’m Smart and I Know Everything!) and I wanted you to be among the first to hear about it.

As you know, I have many years of practicing as a positive psychologist which has convinced me that women can draw tremendous energy and vitality from their deepest and most precious well - themselves. Yes, inside of ourselves are the positive memories from late childhood into teens, the talents, the strengths, and the untapped potential to give us all the resources we need.

Girls between 8 and 12 can and do everything. However, adolescence can be very hard on girls and years later many a woman has lost touch with her earlier talents, strengths, potential or what makes her happy. I worked to develop a companionship with the 10-year old inside myself. Suddenly, getting to know myself as a child again was serious psychological business.

That’s when I wrote a journal-style book, The Truth (I’m a Girl, I’m Smart and I Know Everything!) If you are a woman, it will make you want to dance with your inner 10-year old and make her energies a part of yourself again. If you are an adult, you will see the child in your life in a much more profound light. You will want to help her hold on to her wisdom, wit, sense of competency and self-esteem. If you are a kid or a ‘tween, you will feel understood and connected to this fictional girl. After all, she is like you. The girl sees so much and knows so much as we all did at 10 or 11. And wouldn't it be great to hold on to the energy and confidence that can go with that stage of life?

Women and girls of all ages, kids, tweens, teens, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles thank me for bringing this book to them. It opens the door to communication, and they see themselves, their daughters, nieces and granddaughters in the girl. Girls feel she is speaking for them while women remark that they wish this book had existed when they were growing up.

Now, this book is available on Amazon and those who buy it will also receive nearly $6,500 in free downloadable gifts! Check it out here: or


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