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Showing posts from February, 2017

A journey to the door of death

The author's  mind-bending descriptions , written as though they were happening in the here and now relate to  events that millions of people have lived through and continue to experience during and after an unexpected health crisis.   Read more. This book is not only  a riveting account of facts and events , but is one of personal experiences. The authors  mind-bending descriptions , written as though they were happening in the here and now relate to  events that millions of people have lived through and continue to experience during and after an unexpected health crisis.  Similar experiences to those of the author happen to many others as they receive life-saving medical procedures in hospitals, clinics, at the scene of an accident in their own home or elsewhere.  A Journey To The Door Of Death  is the  insid...

Tides of Change

Read more. Tides of Change is more than the  love story of all time ; it's a magnificent and thrilling adventure!    ---Kay Schlichting "Tides of Change,"  Book One of  "The Atlantis Chronicles"  trilogy, begins far beneath the wild beauty of the Aegean Sea. Having survived one horrific cataclysm, a society as ancient as time now thrives untouched and undiscovered in blue waters once ruled by Poseidon. Unknown to any but their Healer, a devastating secret threatens Atlantis with yet another extinction event. The matriarchal healing line, descended from Poseidon, no longer has an heir. In a desperate bid to ensure the continuance of their small, underwater community, Na-Kai eva Evenor, Most Sovereign Healer of Atlantis, unleashes a ...

9 Tips for Beginners

Tip #1 – Store Your Notes Usually when I see great writing tips, I have a file set up in Word called - what else? Writing Tips. You should have one too. I copy and paste the advice into my file to refer to when needed. Included is the name of the author of the tidbit, in case I wish to quote them at some future time. Any handwritten notes I’ve made as reminders also get posted there. Simply for clarification: When quoting another person’s writing or spoken word, up to only 100 words may be used and the originator of the piece must be given credit. Tip #2 – Be Prepared to Write Keep writing materials handy no matter where you go. That one stunning idea you forgot to write down but were sure you’d remember, and then forgot completely, could have been the one fragment that made your story memorable. We writers should make notes everywhere we go. If without a laptop, we carry note pads and pens. JK Rowling used paper table napkins because she used to sit in her favorite ...

Unfolding the Mystery of Self

Unfolding the Mystery of Self Read more. "Some of us walk a unique, decidedly spiritual path. By choice, some us create a spiritual life without religion and stand on our own. In my case, I have chosen a path to Christ consciousness or enlightenment." ~Lynne Cockrum-Murphy ​As the illusion of the material world melts, communion with angels, ancestors, teachers and masters becomes common place when Lynne Cockrum-Murphy shows we are all guided throughout our lives. This  awareness and self-realization is available to anyone who seeks .  Unfolding the Mystery of Self - We Are Never Alone  is a descriptive illustration of the author's development of her  spiritual path, intuitive awareness and deep inner peace.  In an easy-to-read style, this book il...

What you don't see behind the glitter & glitz of contemporary award shows

What you don't see behind the glitter & glitz of contemporary award shows Read more. A bold Behind-the-Scenes Tell-All About How Talented Artists and Athletes Are Mentally and Physically Killed by Badly Behaving Fans, Families, Teachers and Coaches who Deify, Vilify and Crucify Our Stars. Healthier Ways to Mentor the Talented and Bring Healing to Our Culture Lisa Loving Dalton, a forty-year veteran of the entertainment industry, dares to pull back the curtain of tinsel town to examine some very gritty facts. What stands out in her new book Murder Of Talent: How Pop Culture Is Killing "IT" is the no-holds-barred assay she makes on the fans, the families, mentors and the talented ones revealing the dangers that exist. An easy and dynamic read, with so...

The First Time Writer

  Some people seem unable to get a first story started no matter how many exciting plots they have rattling around in the attic. The advice given in some articles is meant to motivate would-be authors to begin. That same advice is sought by those already established in their careers and wishing to improve their talents. You will... ·          have a story when you begin and then finish writing it. ·          develop your voice after you begin to write. ·          thoroughly understand character development when you realize how much fun it is to create story people. ·          learn all aspects of building a story. It happens naturally as you recognize your need to know more about composition. ·          learn to edit your work to perfection and will realize that the ed...